4base lab AG is a biotech company located in the Technology Park Reutlingen. Since its foundation in 1995 by scientists with expertise in molecular biology and the analysis of human pathogens, 4base lab has been involved in the following areas:
The analysis of DNA and RNA for medicine, pharmacy and research, as well as microbiological and molecular biological analyses of bacteria and viruses in water.
The testing of mRNA vaccines according to §14 (4) AMG in the areas of DNA sequencing, RNA sequencing and real-time PCR under GMP conditions (GMP confirmation of the Regierungspräsidium Tübingen is available).
Microbiological testing of drinking water. 4base lab AG is an accredited testing laboratory listed by the Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection for the analysis of drinking water for Legionella and other microbiological parameters.
Examination of water-bearing systems of dental units.
Individual service for the continuous provision of highly pure human BAC and PAC DNA for the pharmaceutical industry.
Testing of disposable plastic articles for molecular biology for contamination with nucleases and human DNA.