4base lab is a commissioned GMP testing laboratory for the testing of medicinal products in accordance with §14 (4) in the areas of DNA sequencing, RNA sequencing and real-time PCR (GMP confirmation from the government presidency of Tübingen).
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, since 1996 (certificate)
DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
DIN EN ISO 14001:2015, since 2012 (certificate)
DIN EN ISO 17025:2018
DIN EN ISO 17025:2018, since 2013 (certificate)
Since 27.02.2013 4base lab is an accredited testing laboratory for the microbiological analysis of water samples. Currently, the accreditation covers sampling (DIN EN ISO 19458 (K19) 2006-12) and testing of drinking water according to the German Drinking Water Ordinance for Legionella, among other things, and microbiological testing of water in the context of infection prevention in dentistry (RKI guideline, BGBL 2006 49:375-394).
Accreditation exists for the examination of the following microbiological parameters:
- Legionella spec. (ISO 11731, DIN EN ISO 11731-2 (K22))
- E. coli/Coliforms (Colilert®-18/Quanti-Tray®)
- Enterococci (Enterolert®-DW)
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudalert®/Quanti-Tray®)
- Colony count (22°C/36°C; TrinkwV 2001 Annex 5 I d) bb)
Other parameters for which accreditation is available:
- Temperature determination (DIN 38404-C 4 1976-12)
- Determination of pH (DIN EN ISO 10523 (C 5) 2012-04)
- Determination of electrical conductivity (DIN EN 27888 (C 8) 1993-11)
For further details, please refer to the current accreditation certificate or the annex to the certificate (download certificate).